The Green River Rendezvous of 1837 through the Art of Alfred Jacob Miller

The Three Worlds Meet project, cosponsored by the Museum of the Mountain Man, offers a public presentation and interpretation of selected "living pictures" from the portfolio of celebrated artist Alfred Jacob Miller who in 1837 was the first to depict the annual Green River Fur Trade Rendezvous held near present-day Pinedale, Wyoming. The theatrical production and related series of authoritative presentations, scheduled for July 12-13, 2013, will utilize historical interpreters, local actors and nationally renowned scholars.
Three Worlds Meet is funded, in part, through grants from the Fur Trade Research Center, Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund and Wyoming Humanities Council.
"During the sixteen year history of the rendezvous, [no one] left a more detailed [visual] description of this wilderness experience than did Alfred Jacob Miller." Fred Gowans, author of Rocky Mountain RendezvousImages of Alfred Jacob Miller artwork on this website are used courtesy of The Everett D. Graff Collection and The Mae Reed & Clyde H. Porter Collection, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.